Pennsylvania-based Creative Entrepreneur & Photographer
Currently available for hire.
I am a creative entrepreneur and photographer with a passion for learning and personal growth. I am proficient in content management systems such as SquareSpace, Shopify, WordPress, and WooCommerce. I have expertise in Apple, Microsoft and Google applications. I have extensive knowledge and experience using Adobe Creative Cloud applications and programs such as SketchUp, Fusion360, Canva, On-Screen Takeoff and QuickBid.
Skills Highlight
My interest in photography began in high school and has since become a great passion of mine. I have professional experience as a wedding and lifestyle photographer under my own business, Michael Pangilinan Photography. While I have stepped back from the wedding and lifestyle portraiture in my professional life, my passion for it continues to grow.
What began as a hobby, blossomed into a business. I currently maintain and operate my own online retail business known Summit Goods Company (formally The Stitching Horse). Summit Goods Co. believes in high-quality, functional, and durable goods made to last.
Similar to my leatherwork experience, woodwork started out as a hobby. I have since developed and refined my skills as a woodworker during my time at American Music Furniture. I have experience using industrial machines such as table saws, band saws, routers, jointers, planers, and wide belt industrial sanders.
Technology & Software
I believe that as technology and software advance in our society, that there is an ever growing need to learn and adapt to those changes. Much, if not all, of my knowledge and expertise in technology and/or software has been through my own interest in learning. I have experience in using programs such as the Adobe CC applications, Trimble SketchUp, and Fusion360. I also have 5+ years of experience using Shopify and a combination of other content management systems and eCommerce platforms (i.e. Wordpress, SquareSpace, WooCommerce, Shopify, etc.)

“For the things we have to learn before we can do them, we learn by doing them.”
― Aristotle, The Nicomachean Ethics
My education and career paths are not linear. A lot of what I do today is a direct result of my own innate abilities to learn, to adapt, and to execute.

Want to know more?
Feel free to contact me.